Level 1 Foundation In Sound Healing Starter Kit (Heavier Bowl 900 - 1099gm)
This is the basic Sound Healing Starter Kit that you need to complete The Sound Healing Academy Level 1 Foundation Certificate In Integral Sound Healing.
NOTE: A lower cost version with a lighter weight bowl is also available.
By buying the starter kit you save over 7% on the total cost of all the items purchased separately.
It contains the following instruments:
- Medium sized Tibetan singing bowl and suede ended wand (the bowl will be 6.5″ - 7.5″ in diameter and its weight will be usually be in the region 2.1 lb - 2.5 lb), and we always make sure to send a bowl that creates good sounds when tapped and that's easy to play around the rim
- A set of 2 Whole Body Tuning Forks (notes are C & G)
- One Weighted Om Tuning Fork
- Rubber Ball Mallet
- An Egg Shaker
The Tibetan singing bowl is made by artisans from a 7 metal mix, using traditional hand beaten methods.
The tuning forks are made from special grade aluminium alloy and their frequency is guaranteed to be tuned to an accuracy of +/- 0.25%, which is a very good healing grade accuracy.
If you are interested to join one of our Sound Healing Courses, check out our Online Certified Level 1 Course: Foundations Of Integral Sound Healing - Multi Instrument!